

Everything you need to know about the color Lime Green | Hex Code

Lime green is a bright green color that resembles the skin of citrus fruit. The color Lime Green links closely with nature and represents high vitality, freshness, liveliness, and imagination.

Lime Green hex code: #32CD32

Sitting right in between yellow-green and yellow in the color wheel, lime green is a mixture of the two hues, making it a distinctly yellow-toned green. It works quite well with both warm and cool tones, such as yellows and blues, making it a great addition to many palettes.


Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to lime green.

  • Green
  • Seafoam green
  • Kelly green
  • Neon green


The color psychology of lime green

Being a dominant color in nature, green is associated with vegetation, harmony, and piece. As a harmonizing, balancing, and calming shade, green is sometimes portrayed as a sanctuary away from the stresses of our everyday lives. According to color psychology, green’s calming effects may be due to its associations with the natural world, which people often find relaxing and refreshing, and it provides them with a sense of security.  


It is found that the human eye is able to differentiate more shades of green than any other color, as well as that the color green is among the three source colors that the human eye can distinguish among 10 million shades of another color. According to science, the reason for that lies in evolution and the fact that our early ancestors were exposed to the color green more than to any other color on the color wheel. Due to the above-mentioned findings, it is easy to understand why the color green mostly stands for nature, security, renewal, and growth. 


On the negative side, green can represent greed, ambition, jealousy, and envy. Color psychology claims that negative traits of the color green include possessiveness, inconsideration, and selfishness.


It is believed that people who chose the color green are analytical, reasonable, calm, and inventive. They live their lives by their own standards and are problem solvers. They make decisions based on logic but are still able to get in touch with their nurturing, caring side.


Lighter shades of green are associated with freshness and creativity. Lime green is a color that closely relates to confidence and high energy, and is thought to promote feelings of liveliness and excitement. It can have a much more inspiring and energizing effect on a person than some darker shades of green can. On the other hand, it can sometimes evoke feelings of annoyance, or restlessness. One study even found that green-yellow color was strongly related to feelings of disgust and sickness, which might explain the phrase ’’green around the gills’’.



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